Reports, policies and data

On this page you will find reports, policies, sustainability data and certificates. Explore our recognitions, policies, and performance indicators for a deeper insight into our pursuit of a healither tomorrow.

Annual Report

Oriola’s Annual Report includes a summary of Oriola’s key events, the CEO’s review, sustainability report and financial statements. The environmental data has been assured by a third party (limited assurance).

Oriola Annual Report 2023
Oriola Annual Review 2022.pdf

CDP, external recognition

Oriola reports on risk management and management practices related to climate change in Climate Disclosure Project’s (CDP) climate change programme annually. CDP is a non-profit organisation that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. In 2022, Oriola received recognition for its environmental work by achieving CDP’s best leadership level with score A-. Oriola's scoring exceeded average scoring in our benchmark group.

Code of conduct

Oriola Code of Conduct.pdf
Oriola Business Partner Code of Conduct.pdf

EcoVadis, external recognition

In 2024, Oriola retained the gold medal in the EcoVadis Sustainability rating for the second consecutive year. EcoVadis assesses companies’ sustainability performance in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Our company rating placed us among the top 5% performing companies worldwide.

GRI reports

Oriola GRI supplement 2021.pdf
Oriola GRI supplement 2020.pdf
Oriola GRI supplement 2019.pdf

Human rights commitments

We respect all internationally recognised human rights in all our activities and promote them in practice. 

We have committed to respect and act in accordance with the principles stated in:

  • the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
  • the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP)
  • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

We expect our business partners to commit to the same principles as specified in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.

ISO certificate

Certificate ISO 9001+14001.pdf


Oriola Environmental policy.pdf

Quality policy

Our Quality policy outlines the following principles for our work:

  • The customer is in our focus every day and we strive together for superior customer experience.
  • Our products and services are developed continually to meet and exceed customer expectations in a sustainable and responsible manner.
  • We apply and initiate different means to continually improve our ways of working, quality, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • We promote an open working atmosphere and quality awareness, which enables every employee to pursue excellence.


Oriola Privacy Commitment
Oriola Privacy Policy

Sustainability performance 

We follow our sustainability impact through our long-term goals and measure our achievement with key performance indicators (KPI). 

Sustainability development 2023
Sustainability development 2022
Sustainability development 2021
Sustainability development 2020
Sustainability development 2019

Tax footprint

Tax footprint page